Each projection contains several chapters derived from the immense F.E.R.V.E.T archive with documents from 1907 till 2011, photographic images varying from burnt-out wrecks, overhauled wagons, daily life at the factory, staff parties, the archives themselves e.g..
Accompanied is a sound work, where the owner of the local ‘dopo lavoro’ bar (translated ‘after work’) situated next to the empty F.E.R.V.E.T. plant, reads the full 7 page instruction manual written by archivist G. Berdusco. This intensely detailed instruction – written for employees who had no knowledge of cameras, flashes, or photography in general – were so detailed that they became incomprehensible, even for trained photographers. Together with Berdusco’s instructions, the installation creates new ways of accessing the archive, by creating new categories based on selection criteria ranging from factual technical specifications and time-frame aspects to more artistic parallels. In her version of the archive, the appearance and characteristics of the archival material relate to its content and location, a relationship that is both visual and meaningful.
The leaflet contains the original documents of Berdusco’s manual and a small leporello of his archival images.